Parish Council
Thaxted Parish Council operate a 'Committee Structure' these are formed at the beginning of the 'Council Term' and run for the time the council are in office, a 'Term' runs for 4 years, and the last election took place in May 2023, so our current 'Term' will run until May 2027.
Each Committee elects a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and following on from this, its members, and at the beginning of the council term the membership quantum is set. Membership's are appointed at the Annual Council Meeting which is held in May each year.
Prime Objectives of the Assets Committee:
To ensure that all assets land under the Council’s ownership and control are managed effectively to provide a pleasant and safe environment for residents and visitors to the town. To ensure that all facilities comply with existing and new legislation. To oversee and be responsible for all the Parish Council’s physical assets.
Prime Objectives of the Finance Committee:
To supervise the financial planning activities of the Council as a whole. To ensure that actions taken by the Council do not contravene statute or any other financial regulations. These objectives should be achieved within the constraints of an annual budget. To review and consider Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Terms of Reference within which Committees should operate, making recommendations to Council on the same. To ensure staffing levels are satisfactory to run the Parish Council efficiently.
Prime Objectives of the Open Spaces Committee:
To ensure that all Open Spaces and land under the Council’s ownership and control are managed effectively to provide a pleasant and safe environment for residents and visitors to the town. To ensure that all facilities comply with existing and new legislation. To oversee and be responsible for all of the Parish Council’s open spaces and land.
Prime Objectives of the Personnel Committee:
To supervise the personnel needs of the Council as a whole. To ensure that actions taken by the Council are aligned with those relevant to HR Law and procedures and to actively seek advice from leading operators specialising within this field wherever necessary. To review and consider Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Terms of Reference within which this Committee should operate, making recommendations to Council on the same. To ensure staffing levels are satisfactory to run the Parish Council efficiently. To ensure that annual staff appraisals are conducted for all Officers and to annually appraise the Clerk, in order to maintain a stable and motivated workforce. To handle staff grievances and disciplinary action in line with the Council’s policies.
Prime Objectives of the Planning Committee:
The Planning Committee acts on matters only connected to planning, the Committee will meet to discuss items in a timely fashion to ensure the comments of the Parish Council through this committee are noted and considered in good time. Decisions, comments, and considerations will be made in accordance with deadlines set by the planning authority. The Committee shall always apprise itself of the considerations needed in connection to sensitive areas of Thaxted, such as its heritage, landscape, conservation area and listed qualities. All current Planning Policies available, including the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan will be considered in all fundamental decisions when considering planning application set before this committee. The Committee will ensure that actions taken by the Council do not contravene statute or any other regulations.