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Full Council Meeting

Thursday 5th December 2024 8:00pm — 10:00pm

Location: Guildhall Council Chamber

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The local government year runs from 1 April to 31 March

All face-to-face meeting of the Parish Council and its Committees and Sub-Committees are held in line with legislation and public health advice in place at the time. The Parish Council will set out in the agenda the arrangements for safely meeting.

Agendas act as a "Legal summons" to all Parish Councillors, as well as setting out the order of business to be discussed at the meeting, they are worded as follows: 

All members of the Council are summoned to attend the FULL COUNCIL meeting of THAXTED PARISH COUNCIL to be held in (see Location) on (see date and time) or (following on from the proceeding meeting) for the transaction of business as set in the agenda.

The Parish Council welcome all members of the public to attend their meetings, and a statement is included on the agenda to reflect this, it reads as follows:

Meetings and the public
The agenda may be in two parts. Most of the business will be dealt with in Part I which is open to the public. Part II (if applicable) includes items which may be discussed in the absence of the press or public, as they deal with information which is personal or sensitive for some other reason. The press and public will be asked to leave the meeting before Part II items are discussed.